Cookie Notice

Universal service terms

Cookie Notice

Cookie Notice

Last Updated: June 13, 2023

We use cookies, pixels, and other similar technologies (collectively, “cookies”) to recognize your browser or device, to provide you with essential features and services, and for additional purposes, including:

Some cookies are deleted at the end of your browsing session, while others persist between sessions. Essential Cato Digital cookies remain on your device for up to 365 days from your last visit to our site. Other Cato Digital cookies remain on your device for up to 365 days from their last use.

See the Cato Digital Privacy Notice for details on how we handle your personal information.

Managing cookies

Cookie Preferences with Cato Digital Services

Our cookies allow you to take advantage of some essential and useful features. Blocking some types of cookies may impact your experience of our sites. You can change your Cookie Preferences at any time by clicking Cookie Preferences in the footer of the Cato Digital Service.

Browser settings

You can manage browser cookies through your browser settings. The ‘Help’ feature on most browsers will tell you how to remove cookies from your device, prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, how to disable cookies, and when cookies will expire. Check the support site for your browser to understand privacy settings available to you.

If you block or reject some of our cookies through your browser’s settings, you might not be able to use certain offerings that require you to sign in to an account and some features and services may not work. You might also have to manually adjust your preferences or settings every time you visit Cato Digital Services.

Third party cookies

Approved third parties integrated as part of the Cato Digital Services may also set cookies as part of our service. These third parties use cookies in the process of delivering content and to perform services on behalf of Cato Digital.

Below is a list of the third parties that may set cookies when you use Cato Digital Services. You can learn more about how these third parties use information collected through cookies by reviewing the privacy policies on their sites.

  1. Google Analytics

We also may embed features from third parties on our sites, and those third parties may set cookies if you engage with those features. For example, chat functionality or embedded YouTube videos. These experiences set cookies on your device once you engage with the embedded feature.

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